I like people who make me think and your article did just that. I will check out Alpha Group. I hope I can further add to the discussion as well. Have to think more about it. Some CEO’s who originally may look good turn out to be disasters. They are few and far between. Thanks.

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Great article. Phil Carret also wrote another book “Money Mind at 90,” which also very good.

Anyone care to name any up and coming CEO who may be not in the spotlight but could be the next Steve Jobs?

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Thank you

I would love to hear suggestions of CEOs that demonstrate winning traits in young companies. It doesn't need to be a Steve Jobs introducing revolutionary technology. The Taylor's did it with car rentals, Les Schwab did it with tire sales, Kelleher did it in the airline industry and Fastenal did it with nuts and bolts!

To get the ball rolling, I very much like the way that Morgan Tillbrook, CEO of Alpha Group Plc, runs his operation. His shareholder communication is clear and honest - British CEOs don't typically communicate in the manner of US CEOs such as Buffett or Bezos, but Tillbrook appears to be different. He operates a decentralized model. He is passionate about the business and is already a long term CEO having founded the business 15 years ago. He encourages employees to think like owners. He puts the customer first, even if that means sacrificing short term profits. He understands that the value of a business is future cash flows which can only be optimized by producing the optimal number of satisfied customers. He is an industry disruptor, counter positioning well against the big banks. I published a substack post on this company a couple of weeks ago if you are interested: https://rockandturner.substack.com/p/for-fxs-sake-currency-volatility

Take a look at their recent trading update: https://polaris.brighterir.com/public/alpha_group/news/rns/story/x8y1eew

And a copy of their prospectus when they moved to the premium segment of the London stock exchange from the Alternative Investment Market which is aimed at less well established businesses. https://www.alphagroup.com/download/13903/?tmstv=1723664558

I welcome any other suggestions worth exploring. Let's work together as a community to uncover great investment opportunities.

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Thanks to articles like this I am understanding how much the management matters.

Amazing read!

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